Why are talented people (just like you) not fulfilling their potential?
Are you (so very) tired of saying one or more of the following:
“Living my life is exhausting!”
“I am so frustrated with myself – I keep on freezing up in key moments!”
“I am up for a promotion, and I know I should be happy but I am more worried about being found out than anything else.”
“I finally have a chance at my dream job – why am I so terrified?!?”
“I lose so much energy from worrying about what other people think of me. *sigh*”
Executives, Athletes, Entrepreneurs & Coaches trust Game Changer Protocol
I worked through Tim’s self-esteem Game Changer Protocol during a critical phase of my life. The process led to me pulling apart and removing some long-held limiting beliefs I had around my own self-worth, that was effecting all areas of my life.
There were many AHA moments throughout my journey that has now allowed me to show up very different ways, especially in difficult conversations, that I may have avoided in the past, due to fear of what people may think of me. I learnt to separate who I am from what I do, and that was a game changer for me.
I learnt to be my own coach and I now have the tools that allow me to take my foot off my internal brake. Instead I now seek out the moments that I would have previously avoided. I have stopped playing small. I now choose to play big and grow.
I can ensure you that Tim will go above and beyond on anything he delivers, and his Game Changer program will give you the tools to help you show up at your best when it matters most.
I found the tools Tim helped me build and use through his Game Changer Protocol training incredibly valuable in my life and work. I have spent most of my life subconsciously avoiding opportunities or challenging myself out of fear.
The scanning process really helped me realise the limitations I had placed on myself, and where they came from. It was a really practical way for me to discover, acknowledge and work on the source of my fears, and change my approach to life and work. I found it really effective.
Game Changer Protocol has played a large role in giving me the courage to start my own business, and also means I have a tool to use on a continual basis, to unlock the reasons for my choices and fears as I face new struggles. It has definitely been a life-changing experience for me.
Maybe your limiting beliefs show up in one or more of the following ways:
“I am constantly on one diet or another, hoping that losing this weight will make me feel good about myself again, but I can’t stick with it so I have given up!”
“There are no good guys out there, I keep on dating the same kinds of asshole!”
“I am finally in a relationship with someone who treats me well – but something is missing (Yes – the drama IS missing!) and deep down I don’t feel like I deserve him/her.”
“I am up for a promotion, and I know I should be excited but the idea of having all that extra responsibility terrifies me!”
“I know I make decent money but I just can’t seem to hold onto it, its almost like I have adopted my parents money mindset- what a horrible idea!”
“I just need to make it through to the holiday, I need it to feel myself again, to feel human.”
How Will Game Changer Protocol Shift Your Performance & Life?
Develop Self-Confidence
Develop a deep sense of self-belief that shows up as robust self-confidence when you need it most.
Silence Your Inner Critic
Build complete self-acceptance while removing the internal critic and doubts that are dragging you down.
Pursue Your Passion
Remove all the negative energy, self-doubt, and fears that have prevented you from pursuing and prospering in the thing you love.
High Impact Productivity
Have the energy and mindset to take on the challenges or tasks that you have been avoiding.
I consulted with Tim at a stage of my life where the perfectionist, “you can always do better” mindset (which had pushed me to some notable achievements) was no longer benefitting me and was in fact quite detrimental.
This was apparent to me at the time but I could not see a way out of it. Tim helped me to look where I had long feared to and gave me the Game Changer Protocol tools, specifically Scanning, and guidance to deal with the crippling insecurities and non-negotiables that had been driving this pattern of behaviour which had held me back from forming healthy relationships and feeling a sense of unconditional self-worth.
This has allowed me to take ownership of all that I am and has given me the ability to move into the next phase of my Life with a sense of confidence. I know that I have a tried-and-tested psychological framework that can help me face and deal with any adversity that Life will bring.
I’ve done quite a bit of self development work but Tim’s course Game Changer Protocol enabled me to unlock certain obstacles which were holding me back that I had been unable to shift. Of particular help was the ability to learn to shift blocked emotions without necessarily having to ‘express’ them or react to them. Putting this to practice has helped me in a number of situations. I’ve met a number of coaches and what I love about Tim is his ability to really relate to people. Thank you Tim for your work and for your invaluable contribution to the lives of so many.
Life Changes You’ll Experience After Completing Game Changer Protocol
Get Out Of Your Rut
Finally escape the negative aspects of your health, relationships, work or wealth that you’ve been stuck in for so long.
Enjoy Healthy Relationships
Redefine, create and foster healthy relationships in all areas of your life.
Develop New Healthy Habits
Escape the negative behaviours that have been running your life and instill new habits that ensure success.
Embrace Success
Develop your sense of deservingness for great love, success, wealth and health.
I have spent most of my life thinking that it was normal to have negative thoughts about myself and that the toxic relationships and situations that I found myself in were ”what I deserved”.
I was fortunate enough to meet Tim whilst he was working with a sports team that I coached and at the time I was going through a divorce. Tim encouraged me to apply and implement the Game Changer Protocol programme. After a few days of scanning, I slowly began to realise that I could change what I felt and what I thought about myself.
It became clear that until I was “ok” with myself, I would continue finding myself in toxic relationships and situations.
A few years down the line I found the confidence and self-belief to accept a job in Dubai, I have recently married an amazing women with whom I have an incredibly open and honest relationship with and I am continually working on myself using the Scanning technique to get a better and better life for myself and my wife.
How Does The Game Changer Protocol Course Work?
- Progress Through Lessons At Your Own Pace
- Easy To Use Online Learning Platform (Desktop & Mobile)
- FAQ & Community Forum
- Updates & Exercises Delivered To Your Inbox
- Downloadable Worksheets & Resources
- 30 Day Money Back Guarantee

I worked with Tim and his Game Changer Protocol tools over a time of my life in which I was required to level up or face some nasty consequences.
I walked an incredible journey that resulted in me finding a way to be kind to myself and still getting results compared to the more aggressive self-deprecating and often cruel inner voice that I had developed since childhood.
Although on the surface and to external perception I had achieved some success in my career and relationships, I had a deep rooted insecurity and lack of self-value that has been and is being replaced with a sense of being okay with myself, and being present in the now with who I am and what I am right now, and that I am okay.
Yes, I still work hard on daily improvements in many aspects of my life, but it is now more of a journey than a destination. I have had the benefit of one on one time with Tim, and find that his book and his courses encapture who he is and how he helped me and highly recommend taking the time to work through Tim’s programme and teaching as it will add value to the quality of your life and the results that you look to achieve.
Don’t make excuses or accept a mediocre life where you’re not living up to your potential.
I’ve used Tim’s GCP training in a variety of areas in my life. The most significant shift that took place for me was in the area of family and relationships. The beliefs there had knock on effect in the rest of my life.
I did not grow up in an ideal family situation or with healthy relationship role models. My unhealthy beliefs and self-esteem related to relationships and commitment were holding me back from fully committing to my partner. Tim’s course helped me target my false beliefs and fears about things like; my ability to be a committed loving partner, insecurities, past resentment, anger, lack of freedom or failure.
This has been a profound period of growth for me in an area of life that deeply affects my happiness and fulfillment. I think Tim’s course will allow you to conquer a lot of the baggage, unhealthy beliefs and negative behaviours that have been preventing you from finding and embracing a loving relationship, fostering a loving supportive family environment and eliminating personal beliefs that have been sabotaging your professional life as well.
Behind The Scenes Lesson Preview
Click the button to level up your life.
Now is the time to invest in yourself, your relationships, your health, your wealth, your career and your future.
Game Changer Protocol Online Course
1 year access paid via Payfast
If you are tired of being stuck and don’t want to pay the price for that stuckness anymore – take action now!
- The critical difference between Self-confidence and Self-Esteem.
- Learn about the 3 categories of Self-esteem and how to identify in which category you and others are so that you can better relate to yourself and others.
- Discover the 4 Archetypes of Compromised Self-esteem to understand more about how you are being tripped up and what to do about it.
- Measure yourself against the 10 beliefs + 3 empowering decisions that lead to healthy self-esteem.
- The introduction to Scanning and its origin – a powerful technique to install healthy beliefs in the mind AND body, as well as release those stuck & stubborn limiting beliefs that have been holding you back for far too long.
- How to do a Core Scan – the simplest and quickest way to get Scanning – (including step-by step instructions and directors commentary) so that you can start to shift your self-esteem towards healthy – TODAY!
- How to do an Advanced Scan – the advanced technique for those who want to accelerate their progress even further. Learn the same techniques that coaches and therapists use to accelerate healthy belief change.
- The Game Changer Protocol itself – the 7 week programme that will level up your life.
- Support forums, FAQs, Troubleshooting and more to support you learning and applying these powerful techniques.
Investment: R1995
Tim’s Game Changer Protocol really helped me to zoom in on the values I needed to work on. By following the scanning process I was able to identify gaps and blockers and actively target them.
Working with Tim in one on one coaching sessions was extremely valuable. I have moved from corporate consulting to sustainable entrepreneurship and feel that the scanning process has enabled me unblock the values I needed to address to achieve this.